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Certificate of appreciation for the Chooce Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment from the Regional Mental Health Council


Our centers

Clinic center in Kuwait 

The sanatorium in Egypt - Cairo

Choose Center

Psychiatry and addiction treatment, under Kuwaiti-Egyptian management

Addiction cure

Psychological and behavioral rehabilitation in therapeutic communities and half-way centers is one of the most effective methods of treating addiction, as the addicted person goes through several treatment stages in order to reach the maximum levels of recovery and recovery from addiction and work to return him to living a normal life away from drug slavery.
In the first stage of the treatment of a drug addict, a medical examination is carried out and the motives that led people on the path to addiction are identified, along with choosing the appropriate treatment program for the medical condition. In the second stage, the drugs are removed from the body and the symptoms of drug withdrawal are dealt with with effective therapeutic medications that help the stage pass. The duration of detox and drug withdrawal from the body varies depending on the type of drug and the amount of drugs in the body. After completing this stage, the sick person is enrolled in a rehabilitation program whose duration ranges from 3 months to 6 months in a rehabilitation center.
The therapeutic program aims to work on reintegrating the sick person into the therapeutic community and society in general to rehabilitate him and help him return to his life and live it in a balanced and normal way. After graduating from the rehabilitation program, he moves to the third stage and works to determine the period of follow-up of the addiction patient in the therapeutic community according to his needs, until Reaching stability and consistency in recovery.

Addiction cure

Psychological and behavioral rehabilitation in therapeutic communities and half-way centers is one of the most effective methods of treating addiction, as the addicted person goes through several treatment stages in order to reach the maximum levels of recovery and recovery from addiction and work to return him to living a normal life away from drug slavery.
In the first stage of the treatment of a drug addict, a medical examination is carried out and the motives that led people on the path to addiction are identified, along with choosing the appropriate treatment program for the medical condition. In the second stage, the drugs are removed from the body and the symptoms of drug withdrawal are dealt with with effective therapeutic medications that help the stage pass. The duration of detox and drug withdrawal from the body varies depending on the type of drug and the amount of drugs in the body. After completing this stage, the sick person is enrolled in a rehabilitation program whose duration ranges from 3 months to 6 months in a rehabilitation center.
The therapeutic program aims to work on reintegrating the sick person into the therapeutic community and society in general to rehabilitate him and help him return to his life and live it in a balanced and normal way. After graduating from the rehabilitation program, he moves to the third stage and works to determine the period of follow-up of the addiction patient in the therapeutic community according to his needs, until Reaching stability and consistency in recovery.

Treatment of psychological disorders

The spread of psychological disorders in society in light of the many reasons that have contributed to this, and any of us is vulnerable to developing psychological disorders, and these problems may be the source of work, family, or emotional relationships. The mentally ill person needs family support and to stand by him to overcome the ordeal and the difficult life in which he lives, and he suffers. A psychological patient suffers from mental disorders that hinder him from living his life normally, and therefore we, through the Choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment, provide rehabilitation treatment programs for the patient with mental disorders in an open therapeutic community, where the patient enters in the first stage to the center in order to do all the medical examinations and analysis. It is necessary to reach an accurate diagnosis of the condition and eliminate any positive or negative symptoms of the disease, and then a special treatment program and a treatment and rehabilitation plan that is appropriate to the patient’s condition is determined.
The patient moves to the therapeutic community and the psychological and behavioral rehabilitation center in order to join a complete rehabilitation program with many inputs, such as individual and group psychotherapy, art therapy, and other treatment programs, physical rehabilitation, mental stimulation, and a healthy nutrition program in order to work to return the patient to a stage of psychological and behavioral stability and work to restore Integrate him into society again.

Treatment of psychological disorders

The spread of psychological disorders in society in light of the many reasons that have contributed to this, and any of us is vulnerable to developing psychological disorders, and these problems may be the source of work, family, or emotional relationships. The mentally ill person needs family support and to stand by him to overcome the ordeal and the difficult life in which he lives, and he suffers. A psychological patient suffers from mental disorders that hinder him from living his life normally, and therefore we, through the Choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment, provide rehabilitation treatment programs for the patient with mental disorders in an open therapeutic community, where the patient enters in the first stage to the center in order to do all the medical examinations and analysis. It is necessary to reach an accurate diagnosis of the condition and eliminate any positive or negative symptoms of the disease, and then a special treatment program and a treatment and rehabilitation plan that is appropriate to the patient’s condition is determined.
The patient moves to the therapeutic community and the psychological and behavioral rehabilitation center in order to join a complete rehabilitation program with many inputs, such as individual and group psychotherapy, art therapy, and other treatment programs, physical rehabilitation, mental stimulation, and a healthy nutrition program in order to work to return the patient to a stage of psychological and behavioral stability and work to restore Integrate him into society again.

Dual diagnosis treatment

Treatment of dual diagnosis, which means psychological and psychotic disorders resulting from drug abuse. In this case, the patient suffers from two basic problems: addiction and the accompanying psychological disorder, and it may be more than one disorder. Therefore, he needs two combined programs to treat addiction and abuse in parallel with the treatment of psychological disorders that coexist with addiction. As one problem cannot be treated without the other.
Dual diagnosis is treated at the Choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment through three basic stages, starting with the stage of withdrawing toxins from the body, treating drug withdrawal symptoms, and performing all medical examinations and psychological tests to identify the accompanying psychological or psychotic disorder, while determining the types of medical drugs that suit the patient’s condition. An initial treatment plan is developed for the patient, and then the patient moves to the psychological and behavioral rehabilitation center, where work is done on psychological and behavioral treatment to bring the patient to a stage of balance and create the ability to return him to living his life in a balanced way. In the third stage, after graduating from the rehabilitation stage, the patient continues to be followed for a period. Suitable according to his treatment needs and what the medical team decides to ensure that recovery is maintained.

علاج التشخيص المزدوج
علاج التشخيص المزدوج

Dual diagnosis treatment

Treatment of dual diagnosis, which means psychological and psychotic disorders resulting from drug abuse. In this case, the patient suffers from two basic problems: addiction and the accompanying psychological disorder, and it may be more than one disorder. Therefore, he needs two combined programs to treat addiction and abuse in parallel with the treatment of psychological disorders that coexist with addiction. As one problem cannot be treated without the other.
Dual diagnosis is treated at the Choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment through three basic stages, starting with the stage of withdrawing toxins from the body, treating drug withdrawal symptoms, and performing all medical examinations and psychological tests to identify the accompanying psychological or psychotic disorder, while determining the types of medical drugs that suit the patient’s condition. An initial treatment plan is developed for the patient, and then the patient moves to the psychological and behavioral rehabilitation center, where work is done on psychological and behavioral treatment to bring the patient to a stage of balance and create the ability to return him to living his life in a balanced way. In the third stage, after graduating from the rehabilitation stage, the patient continues to be followed for a period. Suitable according to his treatment needs and what the medical team decides to ensure that recovery is maintained.

Our services

We are a group specialized in treating addiction and psychological disorders from Kuwait and Egypt. It has combined therapeutic experience that has reached 20 years in dealing with various addictive cases and working to modify behavior in an integrated therapeutic community and an environment conducive to recovery through the best addiction treatment experts and the most skilled psychiatrists.
We specialize in receiving all addiction cases
Treatment of mental illness
Treatment of psychotic disorders

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Story of an addict

Stories of recovery from addiction are among the important topics that we discuss, which are a great motivation for those who are deceived into the path of drug addiction, and in that story that we are about to talk about, which is the story of a drug addict that led to the destruction of his life, but God enabled him to communicate with an addiction treatment center that was One of the most important factors helping in the recovery journey.
The story of a drug addict and how he began his journey of drug abuse. He is our friend Abdullah, who was in his youth, at the age of 25 years. He had taken these toxins from drugs and consumed all the narcotic substances the mind could desire. He moved between a variety of types of drugs and did not wait long to enjoy what he enjoyed. The false imagination depicted him until he was arrested and deprived of his wife and two children.
It was a painful beginning for Abdullah, who was thrown in prison on charges of using and possessing narcotic substances, spending 11 years. He came out of prison not knowing how to recover from this disease and tried many times to get rid of it, but all his attempts failed.

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Choose Center in Kuwait

Why choose us?

High therapeutic experience in addiction treatment and psychiatry
choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment is one of the leading addiction treatment centers in the fields of addiction treatment and psychiatry, which has gained treatment experience of up to 20 years, and through a specialized medical team, we have helped many people from the Arab world to reach recovery, and one of the most important things that distinguishes us is providing... Aftercare and follow-up programs after leaving the treatment place, whether the addiction treatment clinic in Kuwait, which is affiliated with Dr. Mona Al-Yatami, or through our center in Egypt, with different follow-up methods, whether coming to the treatment center or through follow-up online with all clients. Our goal is to maintain people’s recovery. Away from the path of relapse.

dr mona
فريق من الأطباء المدربين​

A team of trained doctors

The journey of recovery and addiction treatment is based primarily on the experience and competence of the treating medical team. Therefore, we have taken great care to choose a group of psychiatry experts and addiction treatment consultants with high experience in dealing with various addictive cases, with psychologists and social workers, in addition to the presence of experienced nursing. To bring the patient to the maximum level of recovery from addiction.

برتوكول دوائي للتعامل مع الأعراض الانسحابية

A medication protocol for dealing with withdrawal symptoms

We are fully aware of the difficulty of the stage of withdrawing toxins from the body and dealing with drug withdrawal symptoms, and the extent of pain that a sick person experiences unless this stage is dealt with professionally. Therefore, we follow a distinct medication protocol and use medical methods to deal with withdrawal symptoms of all kinds in a safe manner without pain. As quickly as possible and without suffering or pain

برنامج علاجي فريد يناسبك

A unique treatment program that suits you

تتوافرلدينا في مركز اختيار للطب النفسي وعلاج الإدمان أحدث البرامج العلاجية للأهيل , حيث أننا لا نتبع نظام البرنامج الواحد بل يتم وضع برنامج علاجي فريد مفصل ليناسب الحالة المرضية والاحتياجات والمشاكل الصحية , ويتضم وضع حلول لها من أجل ضمان الوصول إلي الشفاء التام .

ارتفاع نسب الشفاء

High recovery rates

Over the course of more than 20 years in the field of addiction treatment and the treatment of accompanying psychological and psychotic disorders, we have achieved the highest recovery rates in treating various addiction cases, which exceeded 90% without relapse occurring.

السرية التامة

Complete confidentiality

We know very well that the addicted patient has privacy, as well as for his family and everyone around him. Hence, we want to reassure him that one of the most important features of the Choose Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment is complete confidentiality with regard to the patient’s privacy, which is a summary of the center’s approach to clients. We do not care about your name, age, or nationality. Or your religion, but the important thing is that we get you to the stage of recovery and the ability to return you to living your life normally.

24 × 7 دعم

24 x 7 support

We are happy to receive your inquiries, suggestions and comments


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